SEEDS - Stora Enso Design System

Brand guidelines and assets

Essential elements and guidance to support you in creating marketing and communication materials for Stora Enso. 

How to use these guidelines? 

Stora Enso - the renewable materials company: These guidelines include details about how we communicate our brand in all kinds of applications, supporting our transformation journey and helping to position Stora Enso as the renewable materials company.

Assets: Explore all of our brand assets and learn how to use them. In this section you will find the quidelines for using Stora Enso logo, colours, typography and other visual elements such as photos and videos.  

Templates: We have created various templates to help you to use Stora Enso brand assets in the marketing and communication materials. The templates cover e.g. print, digital, online and event applications. Only use these templates and never create templates of your own. If you can not find the template you need, please contact our Brand Help Desk.

Downloading the assets and templates: The download links are provided with each asset and template. The asset and template files are located in our Brand Management Tool (BMT). In order to download the assets you will need to register as a new user to BMT to receive the login information. Each user request is approved by Stora Enso personnel.

Brand Help Desk 

If you can't find the information you are looking for or if you are unsure how to use Stora Enso brand assets, please contact the Group Identity help desk at